Thursday, December 01, 2005

Backyardigans radio

Want to listen to Backyardigans music but don't have your Backyardigans music CD? You can listen to many of the songs online!

Just go to Nick Jr., and click on the Nick Jr. Playtime link on the upper left side of the screen. This will open another window. Click on the red radio on the upper right, then click on either arrow until you see a picture of the Backyardigans. Click on that picture and you'll be hearing songs from the episodes right away!


  1. Yeah..thanks! but I want to see the episode #20 of the backyardigans, the title called "high tea", and my favourite song in there is "tree to tree", can anyone help me?

  2. Well, I can't find anywhere that you can listen to the song online, or watch the show, but you can get the lyrics at
