Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Backyardigan's clothing line officially launched.

A holiday and my daughter's first day of school made for a very busy few days for me! But I'm back, with some news about Backyardigans merchandise at Kohl's.

In the Sunday paper there was a multi-page ad for Kohl's, of which one full page was devoted to the Backyardigans! "Introducing the Backyardigans" it said. I guess the stuff I bought a few weeks ago wasn't officially available?

You can see the same ad on the front page of Kohl's website. Right now all playwear and sleepwear is 30% off, if you're in the market. And if you're looking for your favorite Backyardigan, it shouldn't be too hard to find something that has him or her on it!