Wednesday, April 11, 2007

DVD Extras

Sometimes the people who put together the Backyardigans DVDs do a great job with the extras. Sometimes things are a little ... disappointing. What do you wish they'd include in the extras?

Some of my thoughts:

  • An interview with the show's creator
  • Some footage of the actors as they work
  • Some footage of the dancers behind the fast-stepping kids
  • Interviews with the actors
  • More information about the music genres featured in the episodes on the DVD
Share your ideas!


  1. At least you get four episodes for a reasonable price, unlike certain other kids' programmes whose titles include the words "Tank," "Engine" and "Thomas."

  2. LOL I have to admit, I've never looked into those DVDs. I take it they are not such a great deal?

  3. How about the animation things?

  4. I don't know about the Thomas DVDs either, but the extras on the "Backyardfriends" (as my children call them) DVDs are pretty week. a "song only" setting wouldn't be hard to encode, or just one of those simple highlight games you find on other dvds might be fun. And I agree, behind the scenes stuff would be the coolest!!
    This site rules

  5. I got two DVDs yet they didn't released any extras on them!!!!
