Thursday, January 18, 2007

Backyardigans in Blogland

Some interesting blog entries talking about the Backyardigans:

They Need To Pretend That The Backyard Is A Pharmacy And Prescribe Pablo Some Lithium
A very funny take on Pablo as bipolar.

Finally, Dora's Not the Only Child of Color In Her Classroom Anymore
This mother looks at black characters in modern animated children's television.

A smart little girl notices something very interesting about "The Secret of Snow".


  1. The little girl is right. Secret of Snow is an homage to the Wizard of Oz. BTW, so is Knights are Brave and Strong.
    Smart Kid.

  2. That chick who wrote about Tyrone putting Pablo in the crazy house is hilarious.

    I loved Secret of Snow. Beautiful lesson and fun to watch.

  3. Why did the person who wrote "They need to pretend...Prescribe Pablo some Lithium" describe The Backyardigans as "infamous"? Very bad wording, if you ask me.
